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Phone: 720-972-4005 - Contact Communications

Process for School Closures and 1-hour Delayed Starts

In the event of inclement weather, Adams 12 Five Star Schools uses a variety of resources to determine if conditions exist that warrant a 1-hour delayed start or closure of schools.

If conditions pose a concern for student and staff safety, the district will make every effort to announce a decision by 5:30 a.m. to close or delay opening schools. A 1-hour delayed start or closure will be communicated in several different ways, including:

  • District website
  • Local media outlets
  • Email and text message to parents
    • Ensure your information is up-to-date in Infinite Campus
    • ​In order to receive text messages, opt-in today by texting “YES” to 67587
  • District’s hotline (720) 972-4000
  • Social media (Facebook - Twitter)

Keep in mind, you will only receive alerts if schools are closed or operating on a 1-hour delay. If schools are open and operating on a normal schedule you will not receive an alert.

If schools are open but a parent feels, based on personal circumstances, that conditions pose a safety concern for their child getting to or from school they can call the school for an excused absence.

How We Determine School Closures or Delayed Starts

To learn more about how we determine whether or not school should be closed or delayed due to weather, read our closure policy.